
Retrieves the list of individual records that have been inserted or updated within the given timespan in the specified object.

sf_get_updated(object_name, start, end, verbose = FALSE)



character; the name of the Salesforce object that the function is operating against (e.g. "Account", "Contact", "CustomObject__c").


date or datetime; starting datetime of the timespan for which to retrieve the data.


date or datetime; ending datetime of the timespan for which to retrieve the data.


logical; an indicator of whether to print additional detail for each API call, which is useful for debugging. More specifically, when set to TRUE the URL, header, and body will be printed for each request, along with additional diagnostic information where available.


This API ignores the seconds portion of the supplied datetime values.


if (FALSE) {
# get all updated Contact records from midnight until now
updated_recs <- sf_get_updated("Contact", Sys.Date(), Sys.time())