First off, thank you for choosing to use {salesforcer}. Before filing an issue in the GitHub repository, I would strongly recommend two things:
First, if you have a general question, consider searching and posting it on Stack Overflow (SO) using the tags “r” and “salesforce”. Here is a link to the existing questions on SO with those tags: The more people that use the platform, the better the source of information becomes. Your question will be answered just as quickly there as filing an issue on Github, if not faster.
Second, if you have discovered a bug or a wickedly difficult problem, then please try to create the issue with code or example code showing exactly what you are trying to execute. This means including the full SOQL, error messages, sceenshots, etc. Sometimes, the issue may only be able to be debugged by the person filing the issue because every Salesforce Org is unique. Please explain any customizations or hypotheses you may have that could even remotely be related to the issue.
With those two things in mind, if you need to file an issue, please do so HERE.
Again, thank you for taking the time to contribute back to {salesforcer}. Your efforts will undoubtedly help other users as well!